Red Lanterns, 10"X10", retail price: $600

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Moonlit Walk (demo painting), 8"X10", retail price: $275

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Mendocino Night Street (demo painting), 10”X8:", retail price: $300

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Christmas Lights Under Snow, 8"x8", 2023, acrylic on panel , SOLD





Evening Food Truck Order, 10"x8", 2023, acrylic on panel, available for sale, retail price: $350

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Christmas Lights on the Porch 16"x16", 2022, acrylic on panel SOLD




Lan Su Night Window, 14"x14", 2021, acrylic on panel, available for sale, retail price: $850

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Over Look, 3.5"x7", 2021, acrylic on panel, SOLD


Cherry Trees Covered in Snow, 8"x8", 2021, acrylic on panel,SOLD



Lanterns and Round Open Door, 24"x24", 2021, acrylic on canvas, SOLD







Snow Path #1,   24"x24", 2018, acrylic on canvas, available for sale, SOLD







Lions in Waiting,   14"x11", 2019, acrylic on panel, sold







Vermeer by the Window,   12"x12", 2017, acrylic on panel, sold




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